Optimise project value, minimise risk


  • 収益、財務、投資、負債戦略の策定
  • 商業的成果を最適化する取引を促進する
  • 必要な買い手と投資家を見つけましょう
Why Us

Market insights and relationships like no other




How we help

Bring your projects to life, optimise asset returns


Run a strategic, competitive process. Bring innovation to the sale-side process, from project planning to contracting:

  • 投資戦略と市場戦略を明確にしましょう
  • 企業の要件を満たす案件を構築
  • グローバルバイヤーのネットワークでリーチを広げましょう
  • 候補リストに載せて、自信を持って交渉しましょう

Project Marketplace

Present your project to a world of partners, buyers, investors and collaborators

  • プロジェクトマーケットプレイスにプロジェクトを掲載して、世界中のオーディエンス、バイヤーとつながりましょう
  • 充実した RFP 機能を通じてつながりましょう
  • 評価ツールによるベンチマークプロジェクトと価格設定

Risk Management

Optimise your position with market expertise in project strategy and commercialisation. We can help with:

  • オリジネーションと開発サポート
  • マーケット・エンゲージメントとカウンターパーティ・アセスメント
  • 保証、デューデリジェンス、市場評価
  • リスク評価と価値最適化

Valuations and data

Complete project data and unique price valuation tools at your fingertips. Including:

  • グローバルプロジェクトベンチマーク評価および保証ツール
  • テクニカルアセスメント
  • ポリシー、規制、登録マイルストーン
  • 評価ツール
Case STudies

Real customer experiences

Renewable PPA (sell side)

Victorian Wind Asset



  • Engaged the market to secure offers, which varied in the percentage of output sought, contract term and price offered, and counterparty credit worthiness.
  • Analysed and shortlisted offers based on the client’s revenue and risk preferences.
  • Sought best and final offers and aided the client in negotiating a contract that allowed the asset to be developed.
Partial Offtake Contract (Sell Side)

Victorian Solar Asset



  • Conducted negotiations to ensure offers were competitive while maintaining lender requirements around tenor, price, escalation and counterparty credit worthiness.
  • Secured the best value, minimum volume contract to achieve project bankability while retaining future merchant and contract prospects.
Synthetic Tolling Contract (Sell Side)

NSW Battery Asset



  • Sourced and presented a variety of offers to meet the client’s technical and commercial parameters.
  • Implemented a synthetic toll contract, locking in a portion of wholesale arbitrage revenue, while retaining access to ancillary service markets and the ability to defend existing commercial arrangements in relation to the collocated SF.
Battery Model & Feasibility Study

Global Energy Investor



  • Developed a model for the operation of a BESS asset to forecast revenue outcomes over a 20-year period. 
  • Provided an overview of contracting structures for co-located BESS and solar and standalone BESS assets in the NEM, including contracting for energy, FCAS and LGCs to inform the client’s strategy for investing in BESS assets in Australia.

“CORE Markets helped us understand market dynamics, align cross-functional stakeholders and structure a commercially competitive arrangement that also helps reach our sustainability objectives.

The team went over and beyond the original scope of the project to ensure we had board sign-off. And they were very flexible in their approach, aligning to our business processes, not just their internal frameworks.”

Large Network Retailer